News & Reports
Articles published in '2023'

Dabton House, Drumlanrig Estate
We’re delighted to report that Dabton House on the Drumlanrig estate in southwest Scotland is now up and running and is ...

Hosted Heli Trip to Bolivia
In 2019 we took a team of adventurous rods to fish the Secure River in Bolivia, which was an enormous success. None of ...

Charlie White’s hosted trip to West Ranga
I have been hosting groups in Iceland for over 20 years and I can honestly say that the one I have just returned from, was...

Campaigning for Shooting 2023 – 2024
The Countryside Alliance’s reviews the issues the shooting community have faced over the last 12 months and what they...

The 2023 Grouse Season Prospects
With the Glorious Twelfth just over a week away, early reports of grouse prospects in most places in England are somewhat...

New Consultation On Firearms Licensing Launched By The Government
The Home Office has launched a public consultation on the licensing of firearms and shotguns which will run from 29th June...

A Client’s Testimonial from A Recent Trip To Los Roques
After much anticipation as regards to the Covid situation, and the unfortunate closing of our Russian destination, we were...

Los Roques Report
In November I returned, after a long absence, to the stunning island of Los Roques, Venezuela -...

Exciting new simulated clay shooting locations

Unexpected Availability at ATA Lodge During Prime Sockeye Salmon Fishing Weeks
We have just been informed that a group that had booked the chalet every year for two back-to-back weeks during the...

Cuba Surpasses Itself
It is impossible to go to Cuba without a smile on your face. Just knowing you will be surrounded by epically friendly...

Thank you to our clients from the British Game Assurance Director
Roxtons 25 High Street Hungerford Berkshire RG17 0NF 24th March 2023 Dear John, We wanted to write to you to thank your...