Grand Slam Fishing Lodge, Mexico
Ascension Bay is one of the most pristine fisheries and is part of the Sian Kaan Biosphere Reserve, named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. This 1.3 million-acre estuary is teeming with fish, birds and other wildlife.
Situated on a narrow, palm tree-studded strip of sand, the lodge faces the Caribbean on one side with the lagoon lapping on the other side. The bonefish are plentiful, so there are numerous opportunities for landing these fierce fighters. The bay features miles and miles of shallow flats, a perfect breeding ground for crabs, the cherished delicacy of permit, and the reason permit grow to world-record size here.
Although stalking cruising permit and tailing bonefish is the primary quarry, the variety of fish in the bay year-round provides plenty of fishing challenges. You can find rolling tarpon in the lagoons, making this one of the great places in the world where a Grand Slam is possible. You could even land a snook as well in the same day for a Super Grand Slam.
There is good flats fishing just minutes from the lodge with some of the best places a 20 to 45-minute boat ride away. Ascension Bay is world-renowned for its seemingly endless saltwater flats. There are crystal clear flats with one to two feet of water that a lot of smaller bonefish inhabit, plus three to four foot-deep flats where bigger bonefish and permit roam. The guides are locals, mostly coming from Punta Allen, and know the waters well.
The main lodge has a tropical thatched-roof design with natural flair. It features a social area, a bar, Kai Restaurant with a covered beachfront deck plus library and fly-tying station.
There are 12 beachfront villa rooms, complete with air conditioning, king-sized beds, satellite television, wrap-around deck and locking rod racks. The lodge also features a guest pool.