

All our anglers landed fish over 20lbs in TDF last week

by Charlie White

Five anglers arrived at Maria Behety Lodge on Saturday 11th greeted by low water, in fact the lowest that can be remembered. This did not affect the fishing one bit. The traditional wind was fierce for the first two days but settled to a very pleasant 20mph for the rest of the week. Three excellent guides, Federico, Jorge and Colo, aided the party of Tom, Jock, Phil, David and Kevin to land 106 fish. The ‘Book’ records fish of 15lbs or more and our party managed 42 fish between 15 and 26lbs. Jock being the champ there.

My personal target was to catch a 20lber. The quality of the fishing was out of this world, giving me 12 fish of 15lbs plus, including fish of 20, 21, 23 and another 23. Every one of us had a 20lber and Kevin and David were top in the numbers game with 29 fish each.

Tactics do vary but it is essential to have a selection. A floater – Skagit/Shooting Head that takes T-14 tips of 5, 10 and 15 being the most effective. Some pools call for an intermediate tip. Because of the low water, small nymphs with gold heads caught a lot of fish. Sunrays and Collie Dogs also worked well in the last hour.

An amazing river, incredible scenery, wild weather, great accommodation and some of the most perfect fishing pools you will ever cast a line at.