Day 1: A bright, frosty morning. We fished lower river from 12 noon. Clear skies very bright all day. No fish landed during the half day’s fishing.
Day 2: Cloud cover for most of the day. The lower river did not fish well at all although there was a large fish lost in Upper Rat. 6 fish were landed from Krivets – 4 coloured fish and 2 fresh including a 17lber for David Brown.
Day 3: Lower River was still not producing fish, 1 grilse. 9 fish landed in Krivets including 28lb for Mark Pearson. Boat put into Long Pool today.
Day 4: The river had risen today and all 9 fish landed came from Krivets and all were coloured fish. 1 fish was sadly lost in the Lower river.
Day 5: River levels were dropping again and it was a very bright morning with very few fish encountered. The afternoon became cloudier and 8 fish were landed in Krivets including a 24lber from Long Pool for Jack Cox. 2 fresh fish landed on the Lower river.
Day 6: Rain all day today and it was a day of losing fish! 11 including a couple of large fish were lost in Krivets and 2 landed in the Lower River. The amount of rainfall today will definitely have the river rising again.
Day 7: The last day of the week and as predicted the river has risen and 6 fish were landed. The best fish of the day was a fresh 24lb from Brad’s pool caught by Jack Cox, his second fish over 20lbs for the week.
– Bill Drury