The beginning of the week was challenging. There were unusual 129km wind gusts which made casting difficult to put it mildly! Over the next couple of days all went back to normal and the fishing was terrific. Towards the end of the week there was some rain and winds from the north east which seemed to put the fish off a little but nevertheless the fishing was very good over the course of the week.
The final tally was 151 seatrout, 42 of them were over 15lbs with the largest an impressive 25lbs. Water levels have not changed much and the river is low but fresh fish are showing regularly. The main activity is at sunset, so we would highly recommend wearing clear glasses for eye protection.
The usual nymphs are still working well. So the EMB, Red Butt, Prince, Aurelia and the Wonder Bug. At sunset, Leeches, Intruders and Skagit Minnows are still working well and giving rewards to fishers. As ever big and black tube flies and Intruders for the last 45 minutes of the day is a winner.
The water is reasonably low so we would advise bringing a Skagit head and a Scandi head. Floating and intermediate tips are necessary plus a set of tips from sink rate 3 IPS up to T20 MOW tips of type 3-6-8. The length and strength of tippet and leaders is 4 to 16 feet and 12lbs to 20lbs.