

La Villa Maria Behety, 10-17 February 2024

by Roxtons

This was the best week of the season! There were a good number of quality sea trout landed. Everybody caught at least one fish of 20lbs or better. The final total was 109 fish landed. 32 were over 15lbs and there were 12 fish over 20lbs.

In the deeper pools they fished with sinking lines and nymphs. In faster and lower water pools they used floating and intermediate lines. Nymphs tied in circle hooks were the best this week.

The river is low and clear right now. Sinking lines were the best this week, nymphs all day even in the last hour with less light.

Top rod of the week was Peter Kremsner with 30 fish on the net, the largest 20lbs. Philip Donetti landed the biggest fish at 23lbs.

Water Conditions

Water color and visibility: River is clear

Water temperature: 6C to 12C

Water level: Low water

Fishing Conditions

Flies that are working the best: Different sizes of Sunray Shadows, small salmon flies, nymphs (Red Tail, EMB, Prince, Red Butt, Pheasant Tail), Green Machine. For the last hour the best flies were Intruder, Leech and Sunray Shadow.

Fly lines that are working the best: Skagit heads with different lengths of T-17,14, 11, Scandi with polyleaders.

We recommend bringing two rods. One to use with a Scandi line and another with Skagit lines.

Length and strength of tippet and leaders: 7-15ft and 15-20lbs.

Most of the fish were in the lower and middle part of the river.

Most of the fish are fresh.

Fish catch statistics

Number of anglers for the week: 6

Total number of fish landed for the week: 109

Weight of the biggest fish landed for the week: 23lbs

Number of fish landed over 15lbs: 32

Number of fish landed over 20lbs:12

Average weight: 11bs