We finished Week 3 at La Villa Maria Behety with David Saunders and family and friends. Always a great group and all good fishermen.
Fishing was good in some areas but there were a lot of fish and in others areas not so many. There were some very good sessions and others not so good, this is due to the low water.
Floating lines worked very well, using salmon flies, green machine, emb, sunray shadow but most of the time striping. Nymph in circle hooks were the best of the week, we used dead drifting, always with sinking lines, t11, t14, t17 depending on the depth of the pools.
The river is low and clear. Sinking lines were the best this week with long leaders and very small flies. 76 fish were landed, 25 fish over 15lbs and 4 fish over 20lbs.
Top rods of the week were Richard Miller and Karen Reeve with 17 fish in the net. Richard Miller caught the biggest at 22lbs.
Water Conditions
Water colour and visibility: Clear
Water temperature: 6C to 13C
Water level: Low water, lower than ever.
Fishing Conditions
Flies that are working the best: Different sizes of sunray shadows, small salmon flies, nymphs (red tail, emb, prince, red butt, pheasant tail), green machine, for the last hour (intruder, leech, sunray shadow)
Red butt in circle hook was the best fly of the week. Best to use them with a sinking lines and dead drifting.
The river is going down, the pools are losing current, we are striping much more, with floating and sinking lines.
Fly lines (tips, heads, lengths, densities, etc) that are producing the best: Skagit heads with different lengths of T-17,14, 11, Scandi with polyleaders.
We recommend bringing two rods, one to use with Scandi and another with Skagit lines.
Length and strength of tippet and leaders: 7 to 12fr. 15lbs to 20lbs.
Most of the fish are fresh.
Fish catch statistics
Number of anglers for the week: 6.
Total number of fish landed for the week: 76.
Weight of the biggest fish landed for the week: 22lbs
Number of fish landed over 15lbs: 25
Number of fish landed over 20lbs: 4.
Average weight: 9lbs
Notable catches: A great 22lb fish with a size 14 nymph