A Call To Action letter has been signed by nearly forty Members of Parliament and House of Lords showing the importance of the British Game Alliance (BGA).
Led by five MPs including Simon Hart MP, Rt Hon Richard Benyon MP, Rt Hon Sir Nicolas Soames MP, Rishi Sunak MP and Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP RICS, the letter urges every shoot in the country to join the BGA to help safeguard the future of shooting and the critical work that it does for the environment and rural economy.
The MPs involved are shooting supporters and recognise its many benefits and, along with many of their colleagues, continue to promote and defend shooting in Parliament. They are calling on members of the shooting community to work together to promote best practice, allowing them to point to proper self-regulation that investigates and acts on incidents of bad practice and assurance that game only comes from shoots adhering to the highest standards, by joining or supporting the work of the BGA.
Rt Hon Richard Benyon, Member of Parliament for Newbury, said: “From where I sit in Parliament, I really feel shooting is in the last chance saloon. The BGA is about self-regulation and addressing some of the negatives that are thrown at us by our opponents and dealing with the current issues we face. The BGA is a lifeline for all, yes all, who love our sport. Those of us who face up to shooting’s many opponents really see how vital it is for the BGA to succeed.”
Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, has welcomed the BGA, saying: “Thoughtful management of game and the habitats it thrives in is crucial to our mission to protect, preserve and enhance our natural environment for future generations. The British Game Alliance does an excellent job in promoting ethically sourced British game and I would like to thank them for the work they do.”
BGA Managing Director Tom Adams said: “As game shooting has grown, so has the scrutiny under which shooting operates. We should welcome that scrutiny and hold ourselves to the highest standards of shoot management, and that is what the BGA Standards are all about. The BGA are thankful to the Members of Parliament and House of Lords who have crafted and signed this letter of support for the work the BGA are doing.”
To become a supporter or sign-up a shoot, visit the website: www.britishgamealliance.co.uk