After our last newsletter we had hoped to be bringing better news regarding the forthcoming grouse season. Most moors have now done their counts and it’s extremely disappointing to report that the majority of moors have had to cancel their programmes.
The reasons why the grouse are massively down on their numbers is due to inclement weather at crucial times and a lack of enough suitable nutrition for the grouse. This all led to a poor breeding season.
Whilst we all still remember the fantastic weather we had last spring in the first lockdown, this spring was terrible. The weather was colder with late frosts and snow in many areas. The previously reported issues with heather beetle has also taken its toll.
Our thoughts are very much with the people that have worked incredibly hard over the last year or so to try and make these days happen. The rural economy will also be sadly hit again when many hoteliers were looking forward to some much-needed income after the trials and tribulations of the pandemic.
If you have had any of your grouse days cancelled and are looking to get out on some partridge or pheasant days, please do not hesitate to contact us as we still have some fantastic availability.