

Mathew Latchford joins Roxtons

by John Duncan

We are delighted to announce that Mathew Latchford has joined us at Roxtons from another Sporting Agency. He has spent much of his time in the last few years in Yorkshire where his skills have been honed working on some of the most prestigious Northern shoots. Mathew also has extensive experience of the grouse moors of Yorkshire and Scotland and has expertise in shoot management in the UK on both grouse moors and established pheasant shoots. His passion for country sports has been evident all his life having worked with packs of foxhounds in the West Country for four years before moving to the shooting business in 2005.

Mathew is also a qualified APSI shooting instructor and offers instruction to clients in the field if required. Having spent time studying shooting techniques, eye dominance and gun fit he is able to provide valuable advice to hit the highest of birds.

We much look forward to having Mathew joining our team at Roxtons.

If you want to contact Mathew to discuss any of your sporting reqirements, please click here