

The 2010-2011 Season, report by John Duncan

by John Duncan

The actual season can only be described as being a vintage one. With the introduction of better management practices, the grouse were again reliable and consistent throughout the country and many parts of Scotland had their best season for a number of years.

After a successful rearing season, many teams enjoyed some tremendous driven partridge and pheasant days on a variety of the best shoots in the country. Although the high wheat prices were good news for the farmers they weren’t such good news for shoot owners and this had a serious effect on their budgets.

For the second year on the trot, we did experience two weeks of heavy snow which led to a serious disruption for many on their shoot days. Whilst estates would love to be in a position to reschedule or postpone days the majority are just not in a position to do so, as their schedule is already full. This has meant that it is even more important to have appropriate adverse weather insurance in place and we are delighted to be able to continue to offer this service under our own policy.

Looking at the year ahead, demand is already strong despite the majority of shoots having to put up their prices. We still have a number of driven game days available so please do contact us for further information.