News & Reports
Articles tagged 'game-conservation-wildlife-trust'

New GWCT book aims to raise standards in shooting
The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) has launched a new book to increase understanding of shoot conservation...

Atlantic Salmon Trust's gala dinner raises over £300,000
The fundraising auction held during the gala dinner generated more than £300,000 to help pay for research. Read more about...

Roxtons support research into ecological impacts of released pheasants on Exmoor
The GWCT's aim of this project has been to 'take a balanced approach to quantifying the impacts of releasing and shooting...

The code of good shooting practice
Provided it is carried out following the advice set out in this code the release of reared birds is an entirely valid...

MPs unanimously decide to take no further action against grouse shooting
We are delighted to hear that MPs voted unanimously to take no further action after the debate in parliament following a...

The grouse debate – the time is now!
Whatever one's views on Brexit, most of us can agree that there was a general feeling of surprise when the results were ...

The Gift of Grouse – a new initiative
The Gift of Grouse is a campaign set up a year ago to explain and promote the benefits to Scotland...