News & Reports
Articles tagged 'grouse'

2018-19 Season Review
We don’t think we could say that the 2018-19 season was a classic! It’s been well documented that the detrimental effects...

New GWCT book aims to raise standards in shooting
The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) has launched a new book to increase understanding of shoot conservation...

2018- Season Prospects
Six months is a long time in the Natural World, and even more so in the heather-clad uplands of Northern England and...

New wildlife partnership in Scotland
The scottish shooting community are pleased to see the press release from RSPB, Scottish Raptor Study Groups and the...

MPs unanimously decide to take no further action against grouse shooting
We are delighted to hear that MPs voted unanimously to take no further action after the debate in parliament following a...

The grouse debate – the time is now!
Whatever one's views on Brexit, most of us can agree that there was a general feeling of surprise when the results were ...

A magnificent Macnab
Tom is son of Tom M and godson or Wes P and it was his second ever Scottish stalking trip making the achievement even more...

Grouse shooting e-petition
To protect your sport and people's livelihoods please click the link below from the moorland association and sign the...

Grouse season update
Unfortunately the Highlands, Angus Glens and Lammermuirs in Scotland have seriously suffered this year due to a detrimental...

The Gift of Grouse – a new initiative
The Gift of Grouse is a campaign set up a year ago to explain and promote the benefits to Scotland...

The Untold Story: Driven Grouse Shooting
Please click on the below link to hear the story:

Plastic or fibre wads? We put our cartridges to the test at Gamebore
Our view is that all guns should use fibre wads even though there is a common feeling that shooting with a plastic wad...